Educating and supporting the youth are vital to building a brighter future. Sanela Music often travels to Bosnia to visit past projects, in this photo she is visiting schools and helping to make classrooms more creative and inclusive. Empowering and motivational words and quotes such as “Today I choose to be happy” surround the students now, carrying powerful messages that they will carry with them for life.
Words are powerful shaping tools, we must use them responsibly to spread peace. Even the smallest actions create ripples. SANCHILD team member Christine McKee says “I remember how my primary school principal would end the morning announcements with the phrase: `make it a great day or not, the choice is yours´. Twenty years later I still find strength in knowing I choose my emotions, I can choose to be happy.”
Knowing we have the power to choose our emotions can cultivate incredible change, but often we are not taught how to handle and shape our thoughts and feelings as we grow. SANCHILD works at a personal level to help teach and spread peace.