Within our pillar to contribute to the socio-economic development in societies, we aim to empower individuals (via educational and well-being programs) and facilitate economic growth by promoting green entrepreneurship, innovative technologies and technical solutions.
One of our inspirations is the “Bioplastic Toys BH” start-up, founded in 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Kenan Piro. This is an eco-friendly company which produces didactic toys from biological plastics (bioplastics). Bioplastics are a completely safe material, because they are made from sugar cane, soy or corn.
To learn more about this company and to support their work, you may order these unique toys via their Facebook and Instagram pages.
We had an inspiring conversation with the founder, Mr. Kenan Piro about what it means to be a game-changer on the market and why it is important to be considerate of the environment.
One of our inspirations is the “Bioplastic Toys BH” start-up, founded in 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Kenan Piro. This is an eco-friendly company which produces didactic toys from biological plastics (bioplastics). Bioplastics are a completely safe material, because they are made from sugar cane, soy or corn.
To learn more about this company and to support their work, you may order these unique toys via their Facebook and Instagram pages.
Q: Where did you find your inspiration to make such a concept?
“I have always loved to create and design. A little over a year ago, the idea of eco-production came up and I wanted to offer products that are authentic and unique to me. So Ali’s tractor was made as the first creation, which is a toy made of a special material with the ECO label. I can freely say that this concept originated as a fruit of love for design.
Another thing that encouraged me to be even more daring in my plan was to be aware of the daily disposal of waste and especially plastic. This is an alternative that brings less harm to the planet Earth and all the beings that live on it.”
Q: How did the process go from getting an idea to starting a business?
“Shortly after deciding that I wanted to dive into the world of making toys and the whole concept of working with bioplastics, I slowly began to explore what I needed to successfully tread this path. After the research, I worked on realizing everything as I have imagined at the very beginning, and I can say that I succeeded in that.”
Q: What are the benefits of using this alternative plastic?
“There are many benefits and I would point out the most important – biodegradability. As I have already said, the ecosystem is becoming more and more damaged every day, and it takes 400 years for one piece of ordinary plastic to break down. Imagine how much active torture the earth suffers from human negligence while man tortures himself unconsciously. Another advantage is that there is no danger of toxic substances in this plastic. It is completely safe for children as the raw materials are mainly sugar cane, soy or corn.”
Q: How did your sponsors accept the idea, did you get support right away?
“In order to place an idea well, it is necessary to capture the attention of right minds, and that requires a lot of effort. It is important to be unique, persistent in intentions and set goals, and secondly be brave. Luckily I picked up a bit of it all and managed to accomplish what I set out to do. My idea was supported by the public and thus realized over time.”
Q: Do you have difficulties with marketing products on the domestic market?
“I would say that the basis of all difficulties is ignorance or lack of education on a particular topic. Unfortunately, until a couple of years ago, our country did not know much about recycling, but now, thanks to education, there is an expansion in that field. We in KP Production also face difficulties sometimes because our production is misunderstood for the one with ordinary plastic. It has happened a couple of times that people confuse us with the manufacturers of wooden toys because it is inconceivable to them that there is a term bioplastic. We are happy to explain that this new material is completely safe for our children, made from plants that we take into our body every day, and that it is not dangerous to health.”
Q: What is your favorite aspect of starting your own business?
“I mentioned design in the beginning, so I stay true to it. All the passion and love is focused on creating a new – unique product. I like to share this product with those who appreciate what I value, so I can freely say that in a way I am spreading my love.”
Q: What is your 10-year vision?
“Ambition is what people attribute to me as a person, so I am like that in this field as well. I have a clearly defined goal where I want KP Production billboards to appear on the tenth anniversary of the company’s opening. In the coming years, bioplastic toys will be on the shelves of stores with children’s assortment. The goal is to expand the border crossing in the Balkans, because I see a future in this. I know I don’t sound modest at all, but to achieve something, the goal must be set high, and I set my own goals. The pursuit of success and growth is what characterizes the beginning of every business, including ours. In order to achieve that, we are open for cooperation with companies that operate in B&H and abroad. We will welcome everything that is compatible with the idea and profile of our open door company and try to benefit both parties.”
Q: What do you say to young people who have innovative ideas?
“Get to know yourself and your limits. If you don’t like where you are now it means it’s time to get moving and go where you will feel a sense of belonging. By affiliation I mean what fulfills you and makes you happy. Discoveries happen every day, maybe on the other side of the world and maybe the new discovery is you. Educate yourself, explore yourself and your possibilities, but above all, adorn yourself with courage. Don’t let anything stop you, because even if you make a mistake, it will teach you, and if you stay where you are, what do you think will happen?”
Jedna od naših oblasti rada je socio-ekonomski razvoj, u čijem sklopu želimo osnažiti pojedince (kroz programe edukacije i blagostanja), te doprinijeti privrednom razvoju promovišući “zelenu ekonomiju” kroz poduzetništvo, inovativne tehnologije i tehnička rješenja. Novi projekti stižu uskoro. Stay tuned!
Jedna od naših inspiracija je start-up kompanije “Bioplastic Toys BH”, koju je 2021. godine u Bosni i Hercegovini osnovao Kenan Piro. Ovo je ekološka kompanija koja proizvodi didaktičke igračke od biološke plastike (bioplastike). Bioplastika je potpuno siguran materijal, jer se proizvodi od šećerne trske, soje ili kukuruza.
Kako biste saznali više o ovoj kompaniji i podržali njihov rad, možete naručiti ove jedinstvene igračke putem njihovih Facebook i Instagram stranica.
Imali smo inspirativan razgovor sa osnivačem, gospodinom Kenanom Pirom, o tome šta znači biti drugačiji na tržištu i zašto je važno voditi računa o životnoj sredini.
Q: Kako ste se odlučili baviti ovim konceptom, u čemu ste pronašli inspiraciju?
“Oduvijek sam volio kreirati i dizajnirati. Prije nešto više od godinu dana javila se ideja sa eko proizvodnjom a ja sam želio da proizvodi koje ću nuditi budu autentični i svojstveni meni. Pa tako je nastao Ali’s tractor kao prva kreacija i igračka od posebnog materijala sa oznakom ECO. Slobodno mogu reći da je ovaj koncept nastao kao plod ljubavi prema dizajnu.
Druga stvar koja me podstakla da se još više odvažim u svome naumu bila je i svjesnost o svakodnevnom odlaganju otpada a pogotovo plastike. Ovo je alternativa koja donosi manje štetnosti za planetu Zemlju i sva bića koja obitavaju na njoj.”
Q: Kako je tekao proces od ideje do pokretanja biznisa?
“Nedugo nakon odluke da se želim upustiti u svijet igračaka i u cijeli koncept bioplastike počeo sam polahko istraživati šta mi je sve potrebno da bih uspješno koračao ovim putem. Nakon istraživanja radio sam na tome da realizujem sve onako kako sam i zamislio na samom početku i mogu reći da sam u tome i uspio.”
Q: Koje su koristi korištenja ove alternativne plastike?
“Koristi su mnogobrojne a ja bih istakao kao najvažniju – biorazgradivost. Kao što sam već rekao eko sistem svakog dana biva sve više narušen a da bi se razgradio jedan komadić obične plastike potrebno je 400 godina. Zamislite koliku aktivnu torturu trpi zemlja zbog ljudske nemarnosti a dok čovjek sam sebe torturiše nesvjesno.
Druga prednost jeste da nema opasnosti od toksičnih materija koje plastika sama po sebi ima. Za djecu je potpuno bezbjedna svojim sastavom zbog same sirovine od koje se pravi a većinom su to šećerna trska, soja ili kukuruz.”
Q: Kako su vaši sponzori prihvatili ideju, da li ste odmah dobili podršku?
“Za dobro plasiranje ideje potrebno je zaokupiti pažnju pravih umova a to iziskuje puno truda. Vazno je biti jedinstven te uporan u naumima i zacrtanim ciljevima a drugo hrabar. Ja sam na svu sreću pokupio od svega pomalo i uspio sam ostvariti ono sto sam zacrtao. Moja ideja je podržana od strane javnosti i samim time i realizovana.”
Q: Da li imate poteškoće sa plasiranjem proizvoda na domaćem tržištu?
“Ja bih rekao da je pokretač svih poteškoća neznanje tj.manjak edukacije o određenoj temi. Nažalost, u našoj državi do prije par godina se nije znalo za reciklažu ali evo sada se zahvaljući edukaciji dešava ekspanzija na tom polju. Mi kao KP Production se također suočavamo sa poteškoćama jer u neku ruku bivamo stavljeni u isti koš za običnom plastikom.Desilo se par puta da nas ljudi mješaju sa proizvođačima igračaka od drveta jer im je nepojmljivo da postoji termin bioplastika. Mi rado objasnimo da je to novi materijal potpuno siguran za našu djecu, rađen od biljaka koje svakodnevno unosimo u naš organizam te da ničim nije opasan za zdravlje.”
Q: Koji vam je najdraži aspekt pokretanje vlastitog biznisa?
“Na početku sam naveo dizajniranje pa tome ostajem i vjeran. Sva strast i ljubav je usmjerena na stvaranje novog – svojstvenog meni proizvoda. Taj proizvod rado dijelim sa onima koji cijene ono što ja cijenim pa slobodno mogu reći da na neki način tako i širim svoju ljubav.”
Q: Koja je vaša desetogodišnja vizija?
“Ambicija je ono što ljudi vežu za mene kao ličnost, pa sam i na ovom polju takav. Imam jasno zacrtan cilj gdje želim da osvanu buildboardi KP Production na desetu godišnjicu otvaranja firme. U ovim narednim godinama bioplastične igračke će da se nađu na policama trgovina sa dječijim asortimanom. U cilju je i širenje prelaska granice Balkana jer ja vidim budućnost u ovome. Ja znam da ne zvučim nimalo skromno ali da biste postigli nešto cilj mora biti visoko zacrtan, a ja sam svoj zacrtao. Težnja za uspjehom i rastom je ono što karakteriše početak svakog biznisa pa tako i našeg. Da bismo to ostvarili mi smo otvoreni za saradnju sa firmama koje posluju na području Bosne i Hercegovine pa i inostranstva. Sve ono što je kompaktibilno sa idejom i profilom naše firme otvorenih vrata ćemo dočekati i pokušati ostvariti korist za obe strane.”
Q: Šta poručujete mladim ljudima koji imaju inovativne ideje?
“Upoznajte sebe i svoje granice. Ako vam se ne sviđa mjesto gdje se sada nalazite znači da je vrijeme da se pokrenete i odete tamo gdje ćete osjećati pripadnost. Pod pripadnošću mislim na ono što vas ispunjava i čini sretnima. Svaki dan se dešavaju otkrića, možda na drugom kraju svijeta a možda ste novo otkriće upravo vi. Edukujte se, istražujte sebe i svoje mogućnosti ali prije svega se ukrasite hrabrošću. Ne dajte da vas bilo šta sputava, jer i ako učinite grešku ona će vas naučiti a ako ostanete na mjestu šta mislite šta će se desiti!?”