On March 1st 2022, Swiss-Bosnian-Herzegovinian (Swiss-BH) Diaspora gathered to celebrate the Independence Day of B&H. The event was held in cooperation with Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).
This was a productive and informative discussion and networking session, structured to inspire the young diaspora to get more involved in the development of B&H. Guests were addressed by Dr. Bisera Turkovic, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H. After her inspiring speech, a number of successful Swiss-BH Diaspora representatives presented their experiences and views on how the diaspora can be of assistance in the progress of this country.
We are proud of several SANCHILD members, including its Founder Ms. Sanela Music, who participated in the organization of the panel session: Youth diaspora impact on the development of B&H.
Panel session
Our panelists emphasized the importance of diaspora involvement in the progress of B&H. Anyone can give their contribution to positive changes in this country, and collaboration with high representatives and youth activism and passion for change is of utmost importance.
– Sanela Music –Youth catalyst of Change
– Nicola Buric – Bilateral projects B&H & Switzerland
– Mirela Mujic and Adis Omerovic – Importance of Education
– Mirza Cutuk – Economical Development
– Sedina Delic and Ajla Kuduzovic – Youth activism
– Ahmed Muratovic – Diaspora engagement in elections

“The history of Bosnia is linked to multiculturalism, as it has always been a country where everyone has a place – all religions, all cultures. We sincerely believe in its potential and the diaspora has a key role in its future. We represent almost half of the Bosnian population. Our integration is very often described as successful and even exemplary in countries where we emigrated. It is in this spirit that we make ourselves available to bring our life experiences and our knowledge to serve the future of Bosnia.”
Sedina Delic