is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, dedicated to developing a culture of sustainable peace and harmonious living through human-centered programs.


Our projects are carefully created to support personal development and positive transformation of local communities, via 4 focus pillars: well-being, education, social and economic development, and sustainable environment.


Our goal is to provide communities with transformational tools in an environment that promotes sustainable peace and inclusion.


Our work is entrusted to highly respected individuals who contribute with their skills, experience and networks. We selflessly work together for the success of our mission. Would you like to join our cause?






We dream of a harmonious world driven by compassion, care, and unconditional love that is passed on from generation to generation.

“We all have the seeds of basic goodness within us, we only have to nourish them.”
Pema Chodron

We dream of a harmonious world driven by compassion, care, and unconditional love that is passed on from generation to generation.

“We all have the seeds of basic goodness within us, we only have to nourish them.”

Pema Chodron


Self Confidence is IN

Self Confidence is IN

As part of the Harmony Ripples program, Dragana is implementing this year her project called  Self-confidence is IN. The project lasted 4  days, at the end of October and the participants were high...

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“The participants of the HARMONY Project have convinced me that by supporting the implementation of their project ideas, Rotarians can make a major contribution to long term harmony in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Walter B. Gyger, Rotary Action Group for Peace

“I’m a historian by training but have never subscribed to the notion that history repeats itself. Rather, it’s constantly repeated human behaviours that create tragedies across the historical timeline. Perhaps SANCHILD’s HARMONY Project in B&H can break the destructive cycle of human behaviours by encouraging people to understand their differences and find unity in guiding positive change across fractured communities. SANCHILD offers a realistic vision that might ensure another Srebrenica never happens again.”

Dr. Susan Laverick, Communication Expert

“HARMONY Project brought together young people from all parts of B&H who are enthusiastic, optimistic and willing to explore ways to achieve harmony within themselves and how to spread it in their communities.”

Amila Besirovic, Performing Arts Teacher & HARMONY Alumni

“The Inside-Out workshop was a genuinely life-changing experience for me. I went in with no idea what to expect but over the course of just a couple of hours taking part in activities that reshaped the way that I thought about peace as something that has to be built from inside all of us. A room full of strangers became good friends over the course of the session, and I think we all came out with a new appreciation of the power of interpersonal connection.”

George Foden, Social Worker & “Inside-Out” project participant

“My biggest dream is to continue this work beyond the HARMONY Program in B&H and multiply this work in other regions. We planted some seeds but I truly believe that this kind of work needs to be repeated and nurtured over a period of time if we want to truly impact and make a sustainable positive change in our society.”

Sanela Music, Founder of SANCHILD


Deep in their roots, all flowers
keep the light. - Theodore Roethke

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