Find Your Pathway project is created for children of middle school age, and was realized from the beginning to the end of October in several locations.
The goal of the project is to develop youth capacities and help young people who are looking for their career and life path. The project gathered 18 participants and three trainers who took part in this six-day project and it was coordinated by Harmony alumni member Klaudija Ribić.
This project aims:
To help children find their professional pathway.
To expand the knowledge of participants about job mark.
Allow participants to learn about different occupations and how to choose an adequate occupation.
Connecting youth and the labor market, learning and informing youth about their possibilities.
In our educational system, there is not enough opportunity to help children when they are making decisions about the next step in their education and career. This results in choosing the wrong occupation, losing motivation for further education, leaving the country, ect. The main problem is that children don’t know themselves well enough and don’t have information about different occupations and labor markets, so they choose careers that don’t fit with their interests, skills and abilities.
With the help of psychological tests and workshops participants of this project had the opportunity to discover their strengths, skills, abilities, traits, and habits which are important in choosing a profession. Also, they will learn where and how to find different opportunities for further education and jobs. The target group for this project was 12-18-year-olds, therefore the main beneficiaries from this project is the target adolescent group. The benefit will also be Bosnian society, because with this activity we prevent choosing the wrong professions and needs for preoccupation, unemployment, leaving the education system, and leaving the country.
By contributing to UN SDGs including quality education, decent work economic growth and gender equality, the strengths of this project are: teaching children how to choose occupations that fit with their interest, skill and ability, offering opportunities for discovering their interest, skill, ability.., teaching children about different occupations and how to research the labor market.
As part of the project, participants had the opportunity to enjoy 6 days of different activities, and they also visited the Job Fair in Sarajevo as well as the GS Machine Factory in Travnik where they had the opportunity to get practical knowledge.
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