About the project
“Resilience and Healing” is a 4 days workshop held in Hotel Bristol in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018.
The aim of this project was to teach participants how to recognize, process and heal their traumas.
Twenty participants from B&H worked with Vernon Frost, a world renowned teacher and healer, on how to recognize external triggers and stressors which are contributing to the accumulation of negative feelings and unprocessed emotions. They learned multiple techniques on how to process and become conscious of those emotions, express them, and connect with themselves and others. Through meditation and self-awareness exercises, they practiced multiple techniques on how to achieve inner peace, build resiliency and confidence and sleep better.
About the coach
Vernon works from the heart and has a passion for nurturing growth, freedom and empowerment in people and he is a masterful storyteller and metaphysician. His talks and workshops are highly interactive, with many demonstrations, and deliver powerful life-changing insights. Over the past 35 years he has run workshops worldwide on esoteric principles, self-healing, channeling, hypnosis, healing and personal transformation which has changed the lives of thousands of people. His teachings combine entertaining real-life stories with wonderful transformational wisdom, and the insights and experience that he shares create profound and lasting change in the lives of those that hear him.
For more information, visit: vernonfrost.co.za
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