Harmony project: MFS-EMMAUS
HARMONY Project: MFS-EMMAUS is the second HARMONY Project, that will be implemented in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from August to December 2022.
The project is carefully designed in collaboration with the International Forum of Solidarity EMMAUS (MFS-EMMAUS) and our international coaches, to strengthen the capacities of MFS-EMMAUS CSO’s staff and beneficiaries through series of modelled and focused workshops in region of Srebrenica.
In collaboration with HARMONY Alumni from 2021, trainees will create series of Ripple projects for children, who are the beneficiaries of MFS-EMMAUS daycare centers and the boarding accommodation.
HARMONY Project envisions a long-term, ripple effect of inspiring positive changes
that contribute to peace and harmony in society.
How do we achieve our mission?
We believe that positive changes in society are only possible if we first make positive changes within ourselves. “HARMONY Project” is an inclusive platform providing opportunities and constant support to the local teachers, artists, social workers, and activists who seek positive changes in themselves and their communities. The project provides Train the trainer program, that improves professional capacities, and equips trainees with knowledge and novel methodologies important for creating lasting harmonious changes. Upon completion of the program, trainees create Ripple projects that reach larger audiences and ensure the sustainability and measurable impact of the HARMONY Project.
Our objectives
✓ To train local professionals in self-awareness and acceptance, communication, group management, using the human-centered approach.
✓ To support the implementation of their original projects in local communities.
✓ To organize annual HARMONY Project: Train the Trainer programs in different countries.
✓ To create a sustainable platform where alumni and trainers collaborate with other projects to implement the HARMONY vision.
About our partners
MFS-EMMAUS (International Forum of Solidarity-Emmaus) is a domestic, non-governmental humanitarian organization established in 1999, aiming to provide assistance to all vulnerable population groups in need of help. With over 255 employees, over 50 active volunteers and a network of offices in Doboj Istok, Sarajevo, Zvornik, Srebrenica, Mostar and Velika Kladusa, MFS-EMMAUS operates on the whole B&H territory. Their projects are related to humanitarian assistance, educational, health care and social service assistance and inevitably emergency programs. The mission of the organization is to create, support and vivify resources in which everyone, by being free and respected can comply with their needs and show mutual solidarity.

In Srebrenica, Zvornik and Doboj Istok, through their boarding accommodation and the daycare centers, MFS-EMMAUS provides accommodation, sponsorship and assistance to children from rural areas, who will be the beneficiaries of our HARMONY Project: Ripples.
“And in these moments, I know that the tragedy of Srebrenica is part of our shared humanity, and our collective duty to ensure it is never repeated… I’m a historian by training but have never subscribed to the notion that history repeats itself. Rather, it’s constantly repeated human behaviours that create tragedies across the historical timeline. Perhaps SANCHILD’s HARMONY Project in B&H can break the destructive cycle of human behaviours by encouraging people to understand their differences and find unity in guiding positive change across fractured communities. SANCHILD offers a realistic vision that might ensure another Srebrenica never happens again.”
– Dr Susan Laverick, from “Homecoming”
HARMONY Project is growing! This project provides continuous opportunities to local professionals and communities to create sustainable harmony.
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