About the project
After the call from one young person from B&H, concerned about the ongoing political tension in the country, SANCHILD’s Founder Ms. Sanela Music decided to do something about the fear, trauma and the negativity that was affecting (especially young) people in her country of origin. Even though the war ended in 1995, its consequences are visible in forms of stereotyping, judging, and transgenerational trauma. Social media makes it easier and possible for the community to divide, pointing out differences instead of similarities between residents.
Therefore on October 7th 2017, a workshop “From Inner to Outer Peace” was organized in Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo, with 18 young people from B&H and 2 international students who did their internships in Sarajevo. Peacemaker, coach, and professional Deep Democracy trainer Justin Friedman, held a one day session on conflict resolution, starting from the inside (personal conflicts), making the bridge to reconnect with the environment, and at the end to resolve conflicts with people around us.
Techniques and such approaches have proven to be very unique and useful, and upon the recommendation from participants, SANCHILD has decided to develop a HARMONY program, where young professionals become educated in new techniques, unique and compassionate approaches, and as coaches make positive changes in their communities where they contribute to trauma healing, fears disappearing and sustainable peace-building.
With the support of the Rotary International and many international and local people, institutions and organizations, “From Inner to Outer Peace” workshop evolved into the HARMONY PROJECT.
Testimonials of workshop participants
The Inside-Out workshop was a genuinely lifechanging experience for me. I went in with no idea what to expect, but over the course of just a couple of hours took part in activities that reshaped the way that I thought about peace as something that has to be built from inside all of us. A room full of strangers became good friends over the course the session, and I think we all came out with a new appreciation of the power of interpersonal connection.
– George Foden, UK
Normally, I don’t like to open up and talk about myself. The atmosphere that we created at the Inside Out workshop, though, helped me a lot. It was peaceful, friendly, open, inclusive, not-judgmental, reflexive but also energetic, empowering and emotional. It was a unique opportunity to learn about myself and my relationship with other people. There are not enough words to describe it, but I would definitely do it again and recommend it to all my friends!
– Eleonora Costa, Italy
This workshop was a unique and very special experience for me. I loved how it was designed, because, those ‘simple’ tasks of movement or communication would result in a very deep self-evaluation and meeting your own self on a completely new level.
– Denis Agovic, B&H
In 2017 I had an opportunity to attend the “From Inner to Outer Peace” workshop, which brought me unforgettable experience through which I have learned a lot about myself and the inner-peace development. Overall, that changed the way I connect with other people.
– Berina Muhovic, B&H

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